Vasta Daily Guided Focusing mp3

In this ideal length 30 min audio recording John guides through the chakras and colors into a Alpha relaxed state of heightened awareness, has all the affirmations and a 15 min no vocal segment with only the Alpha beats playing in background so you can do some visualizations or whatever meditation exercises you like and there is a reminder to wind up your session.

Useful if you want to create a regular daily routine that keeps you on purpose.

What other Graduates are doing;

Many graduates also use the Alpha or Theta beats audio mp3 playing in the background sometimes to help stay focused and add a variety of options depending on your mood or purpose. Available in our products list.  

Tips to get the most from your programming and meditation sessions;

  • Try not to meditate after drinking alcohol and especially coffee, caffeine in coffee is a powerful stimulant and will cause a busy mind.
  • Always choose a quiet place to meditate, indoors or outdoors is ok
  • Use a chair for the first 6 practice session, this way you will be able to meditate anywhere anytime without falling asleep.
  • Best time to meditate is anytime however, mornings are good as your body is fresh and it will give you a great kick start to your day. Evenings are also good to help unwind and relax at the end of your day, and it will prepare you for a restful sleep.


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