Performance Enhancer

Performance Enhancer

This session is a unique two part session with a very specific use so be sure to read these instructions carefully. This session helps the mind emulate the "zone" state, or runner's "high," by first bringing the user to a state of profound relaxation and while still relaxed introducing beta waves to produce the "zone" state, as well as build energy and motivation. Using this session will help familiarize you with the "zone" state as well as help build the right mental attitude prior to an athletic event or workout. It is best used with visualization techniques taught by the Vasta programs. This session also uses a technique called Dissociation which is particularly useful for people who are restless and have trouble relaxing.

Instructions; Use this session prior to a workout or athletic event. When you first use this session, wait one or two hours after the session to begin your activity. Later, you may want to try using it right before your activity to gauge its immediate effects. This is a two part session. During the first 15mins, visualize yourself preparing for your athletic event. You are relaxed and confident. When you notice the session "beats" getting faster, start visualizing yourself during the event, performing perfectly and maintaining your relaxed confidence leading to a perfect end result. Use this session in a chair or lying down, eyes closed with headphones.

Vasta Entrainment Sub-Liminal Session Series


These recorded sessions are designed and created by John Vasta himself to help you change your thinking, bring you back into balance and help you achieve your goals. Each session is scientifically mastered with Brain wave protocols designed to stimulate that part of the brain that is associated with the subject you want to improve. In most of the recordings there are positive affirmations embedded in the recording at low sub-liminal levels to enhance the results of the recordings and your overall well being.


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