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Performance Secrets

Struggle to get ahead?

Many of the world's highest achievers have one common child-like secret that they say attributes to their success.

You have it too!

For all athletes, coaches, trainers, amature sports men and women, performers, actors, musicians no matter what you do or level you enjoy, anyone who want to achieve more from what they do, this Mind Power technique will dramatically enhance your performance and skills with consistent results.

Learn the mind secret method used by the world's most successful high achievers in all fields of endeavours, works for everyone, easy to learn.

As an added bonus you will learn extra techniques to remove limitations to your success by;  

  • Controlling headaches, migraines without medication
  • Manage aches, pain and injury with the power of your mind
  • A method to be, confident, relaxed at interviews or any time you need to be at your personal best.

To read some of the many Testimonials, from our graduates recent and past. CLICK HERE 

In their own words;

I found a lot of ways to calm down and take things off my mind. Being an upcoming tennis star??? I found ways to ignore my bad conscience and only to focus on my performance the game and positive thoughts with amazing results – Tom T

I have experienced headaches my whole life long, but about seven years ago I joined the ranks of many of my family members and had a migraine for the first time. Though I’ve only had a classical migraine that one time, ever since then I have been getting really severe headaches, at times for days on end, at times quite incapacitating. I would be most likely to get them when stressed, pre-menstrually or if I had been skipping meals. At times they have proven resistant to all treatment – medical and natural. I think it would be fair to say I’ve tried just about everything – herbs, flower essences, homeopathy, osteopathy, Bowen Technique and sometimes, in desperation, pharmaceutical drugs.

All of these would work for a while, or sometimes, but nothing that has proven truly effective. This was rather demoralising given that just about every client who consults me for headaches and migraines goes away mostly relieved of them. While listening to John’s audio, I discovered his “Headache and Migraine Technique”. The next day I woke up with a headache. I was away from home for a few days, had not packed any of my normal remedies and had two full days of teaching seminars in front of me. So I lay in bed, did the technique, got up, had a shower and got ready for my day. By the time I sat down for breakfast the headache was gone. 2 days later another one threatened, so I did it again, with the same relief. Over the following month work was busy, I put my neck out, had a bit of a chocolate binge, got my period and there was a major family crisis – any one of which could have triggered a headache in the past. However thus far, having done the technique just those two times, I’ve not had a hint of a headache.

I’d happily pay $150 just for this and consider it a bargain. I am enormously grateful for this technique, and the Vision Audio Series includes a wealth of additional information and techniques that I know will assist you in mind, heart, body and soul

Linn Wiggins. RN. Dip Herb Med. International Lecturer on Mind-Body Medicine and Natural Therapies. 3/7/2009

9 Lessons

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Session 1 Power of Your Mind Explained

Understanding Brain Rhythms and the Power of Your Mind

Session 2 Vasta Focusing Meditation

Experience a deep relaxing Vasta meditation

Session 3 Performance Secrets

Having more control over your life

Focusing in Alpha Practice Day 1

Focusing practice day 1 challenge

Focusing in Alpha Practice Day 2

Focusing Meditation practice day 2 challenge

Focusing in Alpha Practice Day 3

Focusing Meditation practice day 3 challenge

Focusing in Alpha Practice Day 4

Focusing Meditation practice day 4 challenge

Focusing in Alpha Practice Day 5

Focusing Meditation practice day 5 challenge

Focusing in Alpha Practice Day 6

Focusing Meditation practice day 6 challenge