Meet John Vasta

Hello and welcome to my website and online learning institute. This is where I can tell you a little about myself without any media hype.

I first became involved in Personal Development after attending a Mind Power seminar in the 80’s and then I applied what I learnt to a life threatening illness I had and in a matter of a few short weeks I was back in excellent health. This was a real life changing experience for me, it was all new learning and yet at the core of my being it was so familiar. I recall my greatest A-ha moment at the time was that I did have choices in life. Up until that first experience I thought my choices were limited and life proved me right most of the time.

I learnt, there were other choices I could make and I had the control within me, but didn’t know it or how to apply it. I set about improving every other area of my life that I wanted to change and did so easily. It was a profound realization for me that I was leaving so much of my potential and life “on the table” so to speak and would have continued to do so for the rest of my life as do so many people and never live the life they were meant for, I find that tragic for the individual and the world.

I questioned? Why had no one ever told me about this before? It was about then I made a personal promise to myself to study and learn as much as I could and share this information with as many people as possible in my lifetime and I have been doing just that for the past 30+ years. Everyone needs to know this knowledge, in fact the most frequent comment I get from my graduates the world over is “John why isn’t this taught in schools” and they are right, it's what we should have learnt as a child.

I am an adventurer at heart and lead an active and sometimes extreme lifestyle, I still fly paragliders, ride motorbikes and more and I can confidently say there have been many times I would not have survived to this age or achieved the successes I have had but for the Mind Power knowledge and techniques I was lucky to learn in my early years. In the area of health alone, I have avoided several spinal operations where I was told I may never walk again, overcome cancer and more. I owe my life and successes to this knowledge and so have many of my graduates.

I’ve been called a leading, expert and pioneer in the field of Personal Development and Mind Power coaching, it’s a big endorsement from colleagues and the media and I appreciate it, however I feel my real passion and what I value as the best of what I love and do is the 30+ years hands on personal experience teaching many thousands of people in parts of the world. This is where the pioneering aspect of the early years came into play as my classroom was my laboratory and my many thousands of graduates helped me field test new techniques and methods I developed over the years to the programs you have today.

I am so pleased to have this online reference library of my life's work in this field and to be able to share it with the world through online technology. It is also my way of honoring the continuation of the work of the pioneers who taught and went before me.

I know if you follow my instruction you will get amazing results with this information so I hope you enjoy the many options and choices offered to help your life become all you want it to be. When you learn to change your attitudes and beliefs, your life will change automatically without effort. The only way you can fail our programs is to do nothing.

My work is based on scientifically proven methods and universal spiritual laws that will work for anyone regardless of age, education level or walk of life.

All the courses in this library are organic down to earth real presentations recorded live with my audiences so what you see is what you get, there are no studio recordings. I purposely keep the courses easy to understand and follow for anyone, please enjoy! John Vasta.  

About the VASTA Organization

For 30+ years our mission has been to provide to the world the most relevant and effective personal development programs available today. The organization consists of a professional team of friends and leaders who have enriched their own lives through attending the VASTA programs. They all share a common desire and passion to provide quality successful events and workshops that empower people to bring benefit and lasting change in all areas of their lives.

Our programs are diversified and varied as life it's self, but they all have a common philosophy and theme of integrating natural spiritual laws into everyday life. All our programs are proven, tried and tested over time by tens of thousands of graduates to deliver real results.

To read some of the thousands of testimonials we receive from graduates Click HERE

To read a recent media interview with John click HERE

"The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result"

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